Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Need some positive energy for the New Year?

What would feng shui experts Junie Soong and Joe Tham, the main characters of my Geomancer’s Apprentice series, suggest?

Start by eliminating items that give off negative energy or impede energy flow in your house or personal space. 

These include: 

  • Dying plants—either nurse them back to life, or compost them if they’re too far gone.
  • Clutter, unless cleared, will lead to trapped and stagnant energy.
  • Broken stuff gives off negative energy. Fix them, or get rid of them. 
  • Objects with negative vibes, including photos that remind you of unhappy times, or art depicting violence or sadness. It’s best not to have such items in your home. To promote good feng shui, choose things that reflect positivity and happiness. 

Make it your New Year’s resolution to invite good energy in, and kick bad energy out.